
Showing posts from December, 2022

Week of December 19th

  With the holiday approaching and most of the crew still enjoying some time off with family, it was another light week for the maintenance team.  With the short work week and a small crew we focused on some detail work around the shop now that the siding project has been completed.   On Monday and Tuesday the crew worked on rehabbing the 2 flower beds on the front side of the maintenance shop.  We removed the rotted railroad ties and replaced them with some of the leftover bricks and pavers from the patio project.   Also, we painted the front doors to the shop and started bringing our equipment back in the shop area.  After the siding was done, we laid a coat of asphalt millings in the back area for safer and easier access to our outdoor equipment.   For the remainder of the week we will be keeping a close eye on the weather and making sure the parking lot and sidewalks are safe.  Please be on the lookout for course condition updat...

Week of December 12th

It was a very light week in the maintenance department.  With the year end coming closer it is time for the maintenance team to recharge, spend time with family and enjoy some much deserved vacation time.  We had a very small crew this week but still we were able to knock some items off our winter work list.  We started off the week where we finished last week with more compost applied to the rough.  We concentrated on high traffic areas but had enough compost left over to hit most of the rough around the course.   With the assistance of Fernando, Brian started diving into winter service on all the equipment.  Our winter maintenance program is the most important time of year for our equipment.  Brain will have every piece of equipment in his shop going over ever nut and bolt to ensure the equipment is ready for next season.   With the rain and ice Thursday we started working on our course accessories.  Here is Marlon sanding down al...

Week of Dec. 5th

Well it has been an awful week of weather.  Cold start to the week, on and off rain in the middle of the week and some uncertainty for the end of the week and the weekend.  The crew battled through the weather and has had a very busy and productive week.   Monday started off frosty so the team used the delay to start trimming back the fence.  We started in tighter areas where our machines are unable to fit.  Trimming back the fence is a long process but we will continue working around the course when the weather seems fit.  This is the first step so we can gain more access when using our boom lift to start tree work along the fence lines.  Once the frost lifted and the greens thawed out, we were able to complete our last aerification on the practice green.  Monday was the official closing date for the practice area.  We are pleased with the new practice green performance this year but will continue to play it safe by letting the young tu...

Week of Nov. 28th

  We hope everyone had a great turkey day and holiday weekend.  This week's blog will be going over everything the team has been working on for the last 2 weeks.  The weather has been up and down with some chilly days, warmer days and some rain mixed in.  Even with the weather, the holiday and vacation time the crew has been very productive the last 2 weeks.   The team has been taking advantage of some frosty mornings diving into some planned and unplanned tree work.  We had a pine tree close to the pump house on hole 2 fall over after a wind storm rolled through.  Also we were able to remove 2 trees that died over the summer on holes 5 and 13.  After the frost lifted the team was able to punch and seed all of the intermediate rough cut, cart path entrance/exit areas on the back 9 and many other areas that carts create a problem for the rough. We were able to remove all of the annuals around the property.  We also went through all the mu...