Week of January 6th
Happy New Year! 2024 brought a lot of challenges and, personally, I'm glad it's over.
For the first blog of the new year I wanted to do a year in review and share some pictures.
Master plan tree work. The team removed safety issue trees, trees causing turf damage and trees to improve sight lines around the property.
Irrigation expansions to unirrigated areas to improve turf performance.
Pump house grading for cart safety and easier access to the bathroom.
Extensive bunker reconditioning to ensure proper sand depth and consistency.
Key Bridge.
Tree Plantings.
Flower bed additions.
Fourth of July Weekend.
Dog Days of Summer - record heat waves and extreme droughts.
Orchard plantings and introducing a bee hive to help pollinate the fruiting trees.
Club Championship Weekend.
Late September rain - 13 consecutive days will measurable rain fall.
Quick Couple installation on fairways and tees. The team installed over 70 Quick Couplers for increased efficiency when watering.
Satellite upgrades were completed to allow for individual head control for more efficient watering.