Wek of Jan. 27th
This week the sun was out and we finally had some good snow melt. The maintenance team had a very productive week inside and outside.
The team started most mornings inside continuing to create and refurbish course accessories and getting ready for new paint and floors in the shop.
New lighting and outlets were installed this week in the lean-to area, making early morning starts productive and safe.
Finally this week we received the parts to fix the LED lights in the clock.
While ground conditions were still frozen the team focused on completing tree pruning around the course.
The main project for this week was irrigation expansions between holes 12 and 13. The team installed 5 new sprinklers, 700 feet of pipe and wire.
Lastly, we will continue to keep everyone posted on snow melt and when the course will be open. There is still plenty of snow on the course but with Friday's rain the snow will disappear fast.
Thanks for reading.