Week of February 10th


The weather once again was the story this week. Cold and windy at the start of the week, followed by snow, then one day of warm up and cold at the end of the week.  Our team continued to stay productive this week despite the weather.  

Before the snow returned, the team spent the start of the week continuing to work on bunkers.  They were able to knock out another 6 holes with only holes 3 and 5 remaining.  

Our tree company was back out this week to grind the stumps from the 4 trees that were removed this winter.  Once the snow melts and ground conditions improve the team will clean up the debris and backfill the stump holes.  

The snow returned Tuesday evening dropping a little over 4 inches.  Wednesday morning the crew concentrated on snow removal and ice patrol.  

Our Equipment Technician Fernando continues to work on preventive maintenance on all the equipment.  Fernando is close to the finish line on all winter maintenance with the new season approaching fast.   

Lastly, with the course covered in snow again the team spent the remainder of the week finishing up course accessories and putting the final touches on shop improvements.  

Thanks for reading.