Week of Feb. 20th
Bonus days of golf in February. The weather this week was great for some golf. It has thrown the maintenance team some curveballs adjusting projects and practices with this unseasonal weather. The team had another great week in the shop and out on the course. The team started off the week laying a truckload of sod repairing cart path edges, miscellaneous areas around the course and the walkways in the new native areas. Also, I can say this is the first time I have had to have the crew watering sod in February. We had to adjust with the warmer weather and spray our first Poa seed head application this week. This is about 2 weeks ahead of our normal schedule. We are not sure how this weather will affect seed head control this year but we will be keeping a closer eye this spring. Last week we decided to get a jump start on our Fairy Ring issue we had last year and we continued working on the Fairy Ring this week...