Week of Sept. 18th
After a soggy end to last weekend, this week has been a beautiful weather week. Our team took advantage of the weather having an amazing and productive work week - not only completing all our weekly tasks but they were able to tackle some seasonal and pop-up projects as well. This week greens, tees, fairways and native areas were all due for spraying. The team completed spraying everything by Wednesday. At the beginning of the week the crew completed venting greens with 1/8th inch solid tines, followed by rolling and another round of top-dressing. With the potential for heavy rains this weekend we are going to try to top-dress greens again at the end of the week. Once again we continued to work on fairy ring in the fairways. This week we applied granular wetting agent and granular fungicides to the infected areas followed by heavy watering. After the water we cut open the turf to make sure the chemicals were getting down ...