Week of Aug. 19th
What an amazing week of weather. We received over 2 inches of rain on Sunday evening and with the temperatures we had this week the course really perked back up. The crew had a great week. With Sunday evening's rain the main focus at the beginning of the week was details. The crew performed sand depth checks on bunkers, and topped off all divots on tees and fairways after storm clean up. This week we were able to spot spray weeds that popped up in the rough. The weeds have been a challenge this year because of the hot weather. Pre-emergent herbicides break down over time by moisture and soil temperatures. The hot weather this summer has made our pre-emergent applications break down faster this year than during normal years. Also this week the team was able to top-dress all approaches and tees to help with firmness and reduce scalping. Even with the 2+ inches of rain the team continued to work on the "Localized Dry...