Week of May 20th
We actually saw the sun for 3 days in a row this week. After another soggy weekend the sun returned at the beginning of this week but went away again at the end of the week. The team had a great week. We started out the week focused on a full course mow out to play catchup from last week's rain. The team was able to complete mowing of all rough, tees, fairways, greens and approaches on Monday. After all the rain and lack of sun the past couple weeks the greens needed some fresh air and sunlight. On Tuesday we were able to spike and mow the greens to help with gas exchange and speed up the drying out process. Our 10th green - which is composed of the worst soil on the property - has especially not liked the weather. We gave this green a little extra and, after the spike and mow, we decided to vent this green to help. The team continued to work on dialing in our irrigation this week. Both practice a...